Town and Country, MO Divorce Attorney Office
Book Your Initial Consultation
We offer phone and online scheduling. Initial consultations last one hour and provide an opportunity to address your specific questions and goals with an attorney.
Directions to Town and Country, MO Office
Where Is Our Town and Country Office? Our Town and Country office is located at 600 Kellwood Parkway in Suite 310. The office is just past State Highway 141, off of exit 22. We are conveniently located within 10 minutes of the Chesterfield shopping mall and local restaurants.
Parking: When you arrive at the office building, free parking is located in one of our Cordell & Cordell marked spaces.
Please be advised consultations are limited to yourself and the attorney (no other person may be present in the consultation). This appointment will be contingent upon a conflict check. We will email an appointment confirmation after the review is complete. If you have already met with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, please call 1-866-DADS-LAW to schedule your appointment.
A consultation fee is due at the time of your appointment.
Town and Country, MO Practice Areas
Frequently Asked Town and Country, MO Questions
Residency requirements are specific per state statute. The general rule allows a party to file a Petition for divorce in the county that he resides or the county that the other party resides.
Technically, if an individual has lived in the county for 1 day, then that person can file for divorce; however, that general rule is subject to several exceptions.
If the Respondent argues that the Petitioner should have filed the divorce in a different county, then the divorce action could be transferred to a county that has more contacts to the marriage.
A judge will generally transfer a case to a different county if:
1. Within the 90 days prior to filing of the Petition the other party to the case resided in a different county with minor children who are subject to the divorce proceedings; and
2. There are significant ties to another county, such as marital residence or other property is located in another county.
There is a waiting period before the divorce may be granted. This time frame is set by state statute and is 30 days from the date that the Petition was filed.
The time that a divorce takes to complete is difficult to estimate. You must properly file paperwork with the Circuit Clerk and your case must be placed on the judge’s docket.
Sometimes judges are overloaded with work and your case is not scheduled for several months from the date you filed. This delay in scheduling can cause a delay in your divorce becoming finalized.
If you have an attorney and both parties are able to agree to the division of debts, assets and child support (if children are involved), then the process is generally faster and can take less than 60 to 90 days.
There are several methods to serve your spouse. The quickest and easiest way is to request a special process server. This person is hired by you to seek out and find your spouse and serve her with the Petition for Dissolution.
You may also use the local sheriff’s office for service. However, the sheriff’s department will generally not wait around your wife’s work for several hours if she is trying to avoid service.
If you are unable to locate your spouse, you may serve him or her by publication. State law requires that you provide notice in a newspaper of general circulation in a county where the civil action is commenced once a week for four consecutive weeks.
In Saint Louis County, you will need to file a Petition, an Income and Expense Statement, a Property Statement, a Case Information Filing Sheet, a Certificate of Dissolution, and a certificate of any prior family law matters (can be a simple statement as to whether you previously participated in a family law case or child custody matter with these same parties).
In Saint Louis City, you will need to file a Petition, an Income and Expense Statement, a Property Statement, a Case Information Filing Sheet, and a Certificate of Dissolution.
You cannot file for divorce in municipal court. In Saint Louis County, you need to file at the 21st Judicial Circuit Court located at 7900 Carondelet in Clayton.
In Saint Louis City, you need to file at the 22nd Judicial Circuit Court located at 10 N. Tucker in downtown Saint Louis.
Cordell & Cordell Attorneys in Town and Country, MO