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Parent’s Rights Attorneys
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Lawrenceville Fathers Rights

Lawrenceville fathers rights were given more protection following the landmark Bodne ruling in 2003, but dads rights are still not on par with the mother’s parental rights.

Prior to the Bodne ruling, the custodial parent (almost always the mother) was free to relocate with the children so long as the parent was fit and the move did not present a danger to the children. This left dads with little chance to successfully block a relocation.

Following the Bodne case, noncustodial parents (almost always the fathers) could not only object to a relocation but also seek a modification of custody solely based on the relocation.

While the ruling did uphold fathers rights to object to the move, any decision by a judge to allow or disallow a move will be on the ambiguously fashioned principle analyzing whether the relocation is in the “best interests of the children.”

So it’s a small victory for dads rights that the mother cannot unilaterally relocate with the children, but ultimately, the court will make its ruling by determining what is in his children’s best interests, relocating with the custodial parent or remaining in the familiar community.

It’s important you have a partner you can count on when fathers rights are being challenged. That’s why you should consult with the dads rights attorneys at Cordell & Cordell to ensure your interests are protected. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-866-DADS-LAW.

Dads Rights in Lawrenceville Resources | Georgia Fathers Rights Resources

Dads Rights

Georgia Fathers Rights In Divorce

Information on Fathers Rights

Joseph E. Cordell, founder of Cordell & Cordell family law offices

Written by Joseph E. Cordell

Co-Founder, Principal Partner
Joseph E. Cordell, founder of Cordell & Cordell family law offices

Joseph E. Cordell is the Principal Partner at Cordell and Cordell, P.C., which he founded in 1990 with his wife, Yvonne. Over the past 25 years, the firm has grown to include more than 100 offices in 30 states, as well as internationally in the United Kingdom. Mr. Cordell is licensed to practice in the states of Illinois and Missouri and received his LL.M. from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Joseph E. Cordell was named one of the Top 10 Best Family Law Attorneys for Client Satisfaction in Missouri.

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