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Office Location

Madison, WI Divorce Attorney Office

Cordell & Cordell divorce attorneys exclusively practice family law.
1110 Fourier Drive
Suite 120
Madison, WI 53717

8:30 am – 5:30 pm


Book Your Initial Consultation

We offer phone and online scheduling. Initial consultations last one hour and provide an opportunity to address your specific questions and goals with an attorney.


Directions to Madison, WI Office

Where Is The Madison Office? The Madison office is located at 8040 Excelsior Drive in Suite 403. Drivers coming from US-12E/Beltline Hwy should take Exit 253 for Old Sauk Rd. From there, turn right onto W. Old Sauk Rd. and take the first right onto Excelsior Dr. The office will be on the right. If you’re traveling from US-12W/Beltline Hwy take exit 253 for Old Sauk Rd. and keep left at the fork. From there, follow signs for Old Sauk Rd W., turn left onto W Old Sauk Rd and turn right onto Excelsior Dr. The office will be on the right. Look for the Associated Bank building with a large sign out front that takes up the entire first floor. If you drive past the Walgreens on Old Sauk, you have gone too far.

Parking: There is free parking in front of the building.

Please be advised consultations are limited to yourself and the attorney (no other person may be present in the consultation). This appointment will be contingent upon a conflict check. We will email an appointment confirmation after the review is complete. If you have already met with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, please call 1-866-DADS-LAW to schedule your appointment.

A consultation fee is due at the time of your appointment.

Madison, WI Practice Areas

Divorce can be the most trying period in a person’s life. Cordell & Cordell, a domestic law firm, hopes to make it easier for you and your children. Cordell & Cordell offers legal representation in Madison, WI and surrounding areas. Our divorce attorneys are committed to delivering the best service and fight to be a partner you can count on.

Frequently Asked Madison, WI Questions

How long do I have to live in Madison to file for divorce?
Is there a mandatory waiting period in Madison before a divorce can be granted?

There is a 120-day waiting period for all divorce cases in Wisconsin. This does not necessarily mean that you will be divorced on the 121st day.

Rather, the length of time will depend on a variety of factors including the ability of the parties to resolve issues outside of court and the court’s calendar.

How can I serve my spouse in Madison? If attempts to serve do not work, can I serve by publication?

A summons must be personally served on your spouse and proved either by affidavit of the spouse or the third party server.

If the spouse cannot be personally served with reasonable diligence, a copy of the summons may be left at the spouse’s usual dwelling in the presence of a competent family member at least 14 years of age.

If all else fails, the summons may be published in a newspaper. In Madison, the official newspaper for publication is the Wisconsin State Journal.

In cities of 250,000 people or less, the summons must appear in a publication likely to give notice in that area. If the spouse’s address is known, a copy of the summons and petition should be mailed prior to publication.

What are the specific forms I will need to file for a divorce in Madison?

You will need a Summons (unless joint petition), a Petition, a Confidential Petition Addendum, and an Original Certificate of Divorce or Annulment.

Where do I file for divorce if I live in Madison?

You need to file for divorce at the Dane County Courthouse located at 215 S. Hamilton St., Room 100, in Madison.

Cordell & Cordell Attorneys in Madison, WI

single day enjoying time with his children

Wisconsin State Resources

Laws can vary from state to state.
Connect with a local Cordell & Cordell attorney for accurate, state-specific legal advice on divorce, custody, and spousal support issues.
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Why Hire
Cordell & Cordell?

Our clients hire Cordell & Cordell because the firm is committed to relentlessly advocating for the rights of individuals and parents involved in divorce or family law matters. Cordell attorneys understand the challenges and imbalances that can arise in these situations and are dedicated to providing the legal guidance and resources needed to level the playing field—giving our clients a fair chance at success.