Boulder, CO Divorce Attorney Office
Book Your Initial Consultation
We offer phone and online scheduling. Initial consultations last one hour and provide an opportunity to address your specific questions and goals with an attorney.
Directions to Boulder, CO Office
The office is located on the corner of 5th & Canyon, across the street from the courthouse. Parking is located around the building. Parking under the building is available in spaces marked for Cordell or Visitor and is not suggested for large or oversized vehicles.
Parking: There are three options for parking near the Boulder office: limited free street parking is available on Walnut Street, west of 9th; paid hourly street parking is available with payment booths located on the sidewalks; and paid parking is available in the public parking garage underneath the St. Julien Hotel located on Walnut Street between 9th and 11th streets.
Please be advised consultations are limited to yourself and the attorney (no other person may be present in the consultation). This appointment will be contingent upon a conflict check. We will email an appointment confirmation after the review is complete. If you have already met with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, please call 1-866-DADS-LAW to schedule your appointment.
A consultation fee is due at the time of your appointment.
Boulder, CO Practice Areas
Frequently Asked Boulder, CO Questions
Boulder does not have a specific residency requirement, but it is subject to a 90-day state of Colorado residency requirement.
The mandatory waiting period is 90 days.
Colorado rules do not allow any activity on the case to take place, other than the exchanging of financial information and the Initial Status Conference, for the first 40 days after the Petition is filed.
It would probably take a minimum of 2-5 months to get even the least complex divorces finalized and at least 6-12 months to finalize complex divorces. Some cases take well over a year if there are contested child custody issues, substantial amounts of property to divide, and other such issues.
You would serve your spouse by utilizing a private process server or a sheriff/constable.
You can serve by publication by filing a motion with the court that meets certain requirements, including attaching affidavits or other evidence to substantiate what efforts you made to personally serve your spouse and obtaining a court order to allow you to serve the other party by publication.
In Boulder, the notice would typically be published in the Denver Post because it’s a national publication that would (theoretically) provide notice to persons both in and outside of the state of Colorado.
In Boulder (Boulder County), you have to file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, a Case Information Sheet, and a Summons to begin a divorce action and you have to serve all of them on the other party.
You can file for divorce at the Justice Center for the Boulder County District Court at 1777 Sixth St. in Boulder.