Joe Cordell Explains Financial Advisors’ Value In Divorce

In his most recent Financial Advisor Magazine column, Cordell & Cordell Principal Partner Joe Cordell explained the value financial experts can bring to the divorce process by providing several specific examples of how advisors can impact divorce proceedings on a day-to-day basis.
“From helping to determine the value of a business to forecasting future income potential, financial experts are a crucial professional to include on your divorce team,” Mr. Cordell wrote.
Mr. Cordell provided three specific examples of how a financial advisor can assist with the divorce process: when evaluating the value for the marital portion of a business, when analyzing future income, and when avoiding sentimental attachments that can be financial burdens.
“Family law attorneys recognize the importance of financial advisors in this process and will typically welcome the input of an expert from the financial field,” Mr. Cordell said. “The challenge often becomes convincing the client of the advisor’s value in the long term weighed against the short-term costs.”
Click here to read the full article.

Written by Joseph E. Cordell

Joseph E. Cordell is the Principal Partner at Cordell and Cordell, P.C., which he founded in 1990 with his wife, Yvonne. Over the past 25 years, the firm has grown to include more than 100 offices in 30 states, as well as internationally in the United Kingdom. Mr. Cordell is licensed to practice in the states of Illinois and Missouri and received his LL.M. from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Joseph E. Cordell was named one of the Top 10 Best Family Law Attorneys for Client Satisfaction in Missouri.
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