How Does Active Father Involvement Impact Child Development?

Key Takeaways
- The American legal system often clings to stereotypes about the roles of mothers and fathers in children’s lives.
- This puts fathers at a disadvantage when courts fail to appreciate the importance of fathers in their children’s lives.
- Stereotypes about parental roles in family law disputes can hurt fathers, mothers, and children.
- Active father involvement is associated with improved mental health, physical health, and emotional and social development in children.
- A father’s absence can lead to behavioral problems and other negative outcomes.
- Cordell & Cordell has extensive experience standing up for the rights of fathers in legal disputes.
Divorce, child custody disputes, and other family law proceedings can be emotionally devastating to everyone involved. This is especially true when a family law case creates distance — whether physical, emotional, or both — between a father and his child or children. Both science and our legal system maintain that it serves a child’s best interest to have as close to equal access to both parents as possible. After a separation or divorce, this is not always possible and fathers may find themselves fighting for equitable parenting time with their kids.
Parenting time is critical for maintaining a positive relationship between a parent and a child. Unfortunately, certain areas of the court system often cling to outdated stereotypes portraying mothers as having natural caregiving strengths and fathers serving as breadwinners. This can lead to the assumption that fathers are less involved in their children’s lives and that mothers should be granted primary custody. We have learned a lot since those stereotypes emerged. We now know the importance of a father in a child’s life and the benefits of both parents maintaining good parenting relationships with their children. At Cordell & Cordell, our family lawyers are committed to helping involved fathers remain an active part of their children’s lives.
How Does Active Father Involvement Impact Child Development?
It is difficult to understate the importance of fathers in their children’s lives. A strong father-child relationship, in addition to a strong relationship with the other parent, can play an important role in child development—helping their mental health and social development. On the other hand, a father’s absence can have many negative impacts.
Father Involvement Can Improve Sociability and Confidence
Research has suggested that the more prominent a father’s role is in a child’s life, the better chance the child has to develop a happy and confident life.
- During early childhood, active father involvement shows a correlation with improved emotional development, self-esteem, and overall well-being.
- A good father-child relationship involving boundaries combined with emotional support can help young children develop important social skills and self-control.
- The impact of a father’s involvement continues to manifest itself in high school-age children and young adults.
- Fathers serve as important role models that continue to guide people throughout their lives.
Father Engagement Reduces Behavioral Issues
Greater involvement with fathers is correlated with better behavioral outcomes for children, both in school and at home.
- Children whose fathers are actively involved in their lives tend to perform better in school and are less likely to need to repeat grades.
- Father involvement often leads to fewer behavioral problems in children. This can result from improved emotional support and development, as well as enhanced problem-solving skills.
- Improved behavioral issues in young children can help them avoid more serious problems later, such as incarceration or teen pregnancy.
Physical Benefits of Having Fathers Involved
A father’s involvement can start to benefit a child almost immediately. Research has shown positive correlations between a father’s involvement and aspects of health in infants like weight gain and breastfeeding. Improved rates of mental health among older children with involved fathers often lead to improved physical health, as well.
The Problems With Fathers Being Considered the Secondary Parent
Children tend to do best when both of their parents are actively involved in their lives. The majority of families with children include both a father and a mother, although there are other types of parental arrangements. The stereotype that mothers are inherently best suited for childcare remains far too common in society, today. This can result in a presumption that the mother should be awarded primary custody of the child or children, placing the father at a disadvantage before a divorce or even after a child custody case begins.
This stereotype can affect everyone involved:
- It affects fathers by creating an informal assumption in the court system that they are less interested or involved in their children’s lives
- It affects mothers by assuming that they should bear the bulk of the caregiving duties
- It affects children by assuming that one parent will be less involved in their lives and potentially undercutting the father’s chances at successful co-parenting
The best outcome for everyone often involves maximizing the opportunity for both the mother and the father to stay involved in their children’s lives, building close parenting relationships with them.
What Are the Negative Effects of Growing Up Without a Father?
A father’s absence can have significant negative impact on their children’s lives, such as:
- Increased aggression
- Diminished mental health
- Diminished cognitive abilities
Increased Aggression
Children whose fathers are not involved in their lives often experience more behavioral problems than peers who have a good relationship with both parents.
Diminished Mental Health, Including Self-Esteem and Depression
A lack of father involvement is often associated with mental health issues. Children may question why they have no father figure in their lives while other children do. They may blame themselves for their father’s absence, which can have severe long-term emotional effects.
Diminished Cognitive Abilities
Many factors can influence a child’s cognitive ability, particularly income and access to educational resources. A lack of father involvement can make these challenges harder for a child, and an involved father can help them overcome these challenges.
The Importance of Quality Relationships With Dad
The quality of a child’s relationship with their father counts more than quantity. Time spent with an uninvolved father does not offer much benefit to a child. On the other hand, an involved father who can maximize their time together, can be tremendously beneficial.
That said, a greater quantity of time spent together improves the chances for an involved father to provide their kids with the best possible experience. Active involvement in a child’s daily life is ideal, but “active involvement” is much more important than “daily exposure.”
How Can Cordell & Cordell Help With Your Custody Case?
Cordell & Cordell can assist fathers who want to get custody of their children or who are seeking to expand their parenting time with their children. The firm has developed a set of strategies that can not only help clients achieve favorable outcomes in legal disputes, but also help them improve their parenting skills. These strategies include:
- Knowing your legal rights
- Staying involved in your child’s life
- Maintaining a civil relationship with the child’s other parent
- Working with childcare professionals
- Demonstrating that you are a good parent
Why Work With Cordell & Cordell’s Custody Lawyers?
Cordell & Cordell works with fathers all across the country, helping them safeguard their parental rights in divorces and custody disputes. When necessary, we provide compelling representation, but we also encourage spouses and parents to seek ways for a peaceful resolution to disputes. Courtroom appearances are unfortunately necessary at times, but at the end of the day, we represent fathers who want to preserve their relationships with their children.
The firm has more than one hundred offices in thirty-five states. Our attorneys are trained in family law, including the areas of litigation and negotiation. They are well-versed in communication, organization, and time management. This allows them to help clients prepare for life after their legal case is complete, so they can move forward co-parenting their kids.
Client Experience
“My attorney is a standout. He is responsive and attentive. He was good at giving input and feedback. When it comes to men’s divorces, Patrick knows what he is doing and brought his experience to the table.” — Dolphus D.
Concerned About Your Children’s Future? Don’t Hesitate to Call Us.
Cordell & Cordell is a family law firm that guides individuals through a range of family law issues, including divorce, child support, child custody issues, division of marital assets, and paying child support after a minor child enters college. Contact our team today at 866-323-7529 or fill out our online contact form to schedule an initial consultation.
Disclaimer: This page serves as a resource and is not to be taken as legal advice.

Written by Joseph E. Cordell

Joseph E. Cordell is the Principal Partner at Cordell and Cordell, P.C., which he founded in 1990 with his wife, Yvonne. Over the past 25 years, the firm has grown to include more than 100 offices in 30 states, as well as internationally in the United Kingdom. Mr. Cordell is licensed to practice in the states of Illinois and Missouri and received his LL.M. from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Joseph E. Cordell was named one of the Top 10 Best Family Law Attorneys for Client Satisfaction in Missouri.
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