Clients going through a New Jersey divorce face an array of challenges that threaten to upend their lives. Cordell & Cordell’s New Jersey divorce lawyers focus on representing clients during the divorce process and that gives them a better understanding of how the state’s laws affect them and their families.

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Read through our New Jersey divorce and child custody articles to gain a better understanding of the road ahead. Educating yourself about the divorce process in New Jersey will improve your ability to communication with your divorce lawyer, which goes a long way toward helping your reach your goals in New Jersey family court.
New Jersey divorce attorneys provide answers to frequently asked questions with regards to divorce laws and the divorce process in New Jersey.
Here are answers to frequently asked questions about New Jersey divorce laws:
NJ Divorce Laws: Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
In New Jersey, the no-fault grounds for divorce require that the parties have been separate and apart for 18 consecutive months, indicating there is no reasonable prospect of reconciliation. Note, the courts in NJ also refer to divorce as “dissolution.”
The fault grounds for divorce in New Jersey include the following:
- Irreconcilable Differences. Here, the parties may be living together and file for divorce if they can show irreconcilable differences existed for 6 months or more.
- Extreme mental or physical cruelty
- Adultery
- Desertion
- Constructive desertion
- Habitual drunkenness or drug habituation
- Imprisonment
- Institutionalism
- Deviant sexual behavior
- Divorce from bed and board, which can later be converted to a final judgment of divorce.
Both parties must apply for this relief and it can be later converted into a divorce action.
Related Article: The No-Fault/Fault-Based Divorce Debate
The cost of your divorce depends entirely on the complexity of your case and the behavior and cooperation (or lack thereof) of the opposing party. If your case involves child custody and child support, the matter will be more costly.
If your case involves a complex marital estate the matter will be more costly. The less complex a matter, the more affordable it may be.
Nevertheless, look at your case. Is it very complicated and is the other side likely to argue over most issues? If so, you are looking at more attorney fees.
Related Article: The Million-Dollar Question: How Much Will My Divorce Cost?
The only way to ensure you are apprised of every protection New Jersey state law has to offer to you in a divorce proceeding is to retain an attorney. Relying on Internet research and word of mouth is not reliable and almost always is incomplete or not a full picture of what you should expect.
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New Jersey is an “equitable distribution” state. This means property is divided “fairly” between parties. That does not necessarily mean it will be split 50/50 between spouses. Aspects of the marriage including: duration of the relationship, age of the spouses, health status, the standard of living, economic standing, and other factors can all contribute to how assets are divided.
A no-fault divorce in New Jersey requires parties to have been separated for 18 months prior to filing. If the divorce is fault-based, there is no separation requirement in order to file.
In some cases alimony will be awarded to the dependent spouse. In New Jersey limited duration alimony, permanent and/or rehabilitative alimony, reimbursement alimony, or a combination thereof will be ordered.
For example, a spouse unable to get skills and training necessary to get a job and support themselves may be entitled to permanent alimony. On the other hand, a spouse may get rehabilitative or reimbursement alimony if he or she is able to get training or skills necessary to support themselves.
Related Article: Will I Have To Pay Alimony?
Annulments are available if one of the following can be shown:
- Either spouse has another spouse at the time of marriage.
- The parties are related and closer than first cousins.
- The male spouse is impotent and the other spouse did not know prior to marriage.
- Either of the parties lacked the capacity to marry at the time of marriage due to any of the following: mental condition, intoxicants, or drugs.
- There was a lack of mutual assent to the marriage as a result of duress or fraud.
- The demand for an annulment is made by a spouse who was under 18 at the time of marriage and he/she did not ratify the marriage after turning 18.
Related Article: How Can A Marriage Be Annulled?
New Jersey has a one-year residency requirement. You or the other party must reside in New Jersey for at least a year prior to filing divorce. There is an exception if adultery is the grounds for divorce. In this instance, the one-year requirement preceding the litigation is relaxed.
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Much like the cost of divorce litigation, the answer to this question is not predictable and depends on the facts of the specific case. It depends on how many issues are involved, such as custody, support, property division, etc.
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Yes. In limited circumstances, it is possible to get permission to appear via phone if you are a certain amount of miles away or some hardship exits. However, this is often at the discretion of the court or particular judge overseeing your divorce case in New Jersey.
Related Article: Why It Pays To Settle Your Divorce Out Of Court
You have to motion the court for permission to serve by publication. You have to prove you used due diligence in trying to locate the defendant in order to get permission.
Related Article: Serving Divorce Papers To A Missing Spouse
You can remarry at any point after a divorce has been finalized. However, only once you are divorced and a final decree has been issued. You can start dating at the appropriate time depending on your personal situation if you choose to do so.
Related Article: How Soon Can You Remarry After Divorce?
You must try to show you have been separated for 18 or more consecutive months or that one of the fault grounds exist.
Related Article: Collaborative Divorce vs. Contested Divorce
Generally no. In many cases it is advisable for alimony and property issues to be determined pursuant to the divorce. Child support and custody are separate actions that can happen independent of a divorce and can be modified long after a divorce. Consider divorce, child support and custody to be three separate things.
Typically one year unless claiming adultery.
No, as long as you were a resident prior to filing.
Related Article: What Is The Residency Requirement For Filing For Divorce?
A Summons, Complaint in Divorce, Affidavit of Verification and Non-Collusion, Affidavit or Certification of Insurance Coverage, Confidential Litigant Information Sheet, and an Affidavit of Notification of Complementary Dispute Resolution Alternatives.
Related Article: What Legal Information Do You Need To File For Divorce?
The New Jersey divorce Complaint is filed with the clerk of court in the appropriate county.
Related Article: What To Know When Filing For Divorce
You can serve your spouse personally via the sheriff with both the Summons and Complaint. If the sheriff is not successful the plaintiff’s attorney or any uninvolved party over the age of 18 may attempt service.
If personal service is unsuccessful after good faith attempts, service by certified mail is permissible.
Related Article: Was I Properly Served?
New Jersey requires the moving party to go to court in an uncontested divorce to testify on the record regarding the information presented in their complaint. If the defendant has filed an answer, he or she will also have to attend.
Related Article: 10 Steps For Succeeding In Divorce Court
You may have to have a hearing on the grounds alleged for divorce. You will present evidence and possibly witnesses to corroborate your claims.
New Jersey does not recognize common law marriage.
Related Article: What qualifies as a legal wedding or common law marriage?
To get a divorce in New Jersey, you must provide proof of fault or be separated for at least 18 months prior to the divorce. Next, you would file for divorce by completing all of the forms required and sending them to your local court. Depending on the individual parties, it may be beneficial to have legal support to help make sure that the process can be finalized in the most efficient way. From there, it will vary depending on multiple factors that may occur during the proceedings. Expert legal advice is highly recommended during this process.
Yes, New Jersey is a “no-fault divorce” state when filing for a divorce. This means that when a divorce is finalized, neither party is to blame for a marriage ending. No fault divorce in NJ allows for neither party to require blame in order for the divorce to be granted.
If you apply for divorce in New Jersey and you have a child, you will be required to take a mandatory parenting class. This class is required by all divorcing parents with children who are considered minors. This is designed to help parents and children deal with the trauma of divorce and separation. The court can issue a waiver to skip this requirement, but in most cases, both parents must complete the course to complete the divorce process.
No, it doesn’t matter who files for divorce first in New Jersey. The process can be started by either you or your spouse by filing a complaint with the court. Whoever files the complaint first is known as the plaintiff while the other spouse will be referred to as the defendant throughout the process.

Written by Joseph E. Cordell

Joseph E. Cordell is the Principal Partner at Cordell and Cordell, P.C., which he founded in 1990 with his wife, Yvonne. Over the past 25 years, the firm has grown to include more than 100 offices in 30 states, as well as internationally in the United Kingdom. Mr. Cordell is licensed to practice in the states of Illinois and Missouri and received his LL.M. from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Joseph E. Cordell was named one of the Top 10 Best Family Law Attorneys for Client Satisfaction in Missouri.

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