Cordell & Cordell’s virtual town hall covers how to approach a divorce during inflation and other times when you can least afford it financially.

Cordell & Cordell Managing/Executive Partner, CEO Scott Trout hosts a panel of divorce attorneys from across the United States, including Matthew Crouter, Presley Davis, and Rachel Schmidt. The panel explores topics such as how the courts are responding to inflationary pressures many divorcing couples are facing, why it is often even more costly to delay divorce, what to consider regarding the timing for filing for a modification, modifying an order after a job loss, terminating or reducing support payments, and more.

Cordell & Cordell is continuing to host monthly town halls to help answer the most pressing issues men face during divorce. Be sure to register for the next session. A recording of the town hall will be emailed to all registrants so you can still watch if unable to attend live.

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