Cordell & Cordell’s latest virtual town hall reviews five more mistakes men often make during divorce in addition to the missteps covered in Joe Cordell’s book “The 10 Stupidest Mistakes Men Make While Facing Divorce (And How to Avoid Them).”

Managing/Executive Partner CEO Scott Trout is joined by a national panel of divorce attorneys including Kumudha Kumarachandran, Adam Sutton, Lauren Gilbert, and Jacob Arijanto. The panel explains each mistake and their consequences, and what guys can do to help ensure they avoid them in their divorce. The panel also answers a lightning round of questions from the audience regarding the family law issues they are facing.

Cordell & Cordell is continuing to host monthly town halls to help answer the most pressing issues men face during divorce. Be sure to register for the next session in February. A recording of the town hall will be emailed to all registrants so you can still watch if unable to attend live.

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